Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Panic. Diary of today

I have to report negative progress. I got a shock to see that our challenge piece has to be in by 1st Jan.

I was away in England for over 5 weeks due to a death in the family. It was a shock when we came home to find how close we were to Christmas. I have returned to a sitting room full of furniture to be shared round our family but none of them want to take their pieces at this time.

I am now trying to juggle life, Christmas with all that involves and getting on with my 25th Events of the Year Quilt. It has to be finished by end of January as all 25are going on exhibition in early Feb.

Will see what happens.....

5.10 pm
Husband has been away all day so I decided to spend the day sewing the challenge piece and ignore everything else and hurray, I have finished my piece.

I will photograph it and post it on site tomorrow.

Irene MacWilliam

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